The Beatitudes

As I sit writing this blog post I’m sitting here thinking “How blessed am I?” The answer to this question is “very”. I’ve had such a joyful week, God’s been able to use me to cheer people up and I feel like I’ve actually been able to listen to other people around me. How? Because he’s reminded me of how blessed I am and I’ll be honest it’s made me want to bless others in the way he looks after me.

On the way to school this week when listening to Matthew I’ve been able to challenge myself in different areas but this one spoke to me in such a way that it reminded me of my childhood. Growing up, I’ll be honest I didn’t want to play football just because all of the other boys played football. I didn’t want to mess around in lessons because other boys did. I was what you would call an ‘odd ball’. I wouldn’t follow the crowd, this got me a lot ‘stick’ from other kids. I didn’t really fit in because I wouldn’t hit back other children if they ‘persecuted’ me by hitting me or name calling.

I was stubborn and stood my ground and didn’t join in with behaviour like this growing up. How has he blessed me? He’s given me an amazing wife, a career which has won me awards but he’s also placed a number of people in my life who have really encouraged my faith. Amen! Praise God!

The reason I’m talking about this is because God reminded me of all of this when I listened to his word. As I sat there going through each of these verses it challenged me in different ways. Verse 3 is one that confused me to begin with.

Matthew 5-3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

I was thinking to myself, ‘Why would God would want us to be poor in spirit?’. I had to study this further but then finally came to realise that He is talking about our spiritual bankruptcy. Blessed are those who realise that they have nothing worthy to give God. You recognise that you have nothing in comparison to God, you give up everything else before coming to God. When we give up everything for him, God blesses us in different ways. Not only does he grant us access to heaven but you have that open relationship with him. The curtain is torn in two. There’s a party in heaven and your blessed with an invitation.

Now I don’t want to down play the meaning of the other verses because they’re all very important but I do want to explain how God spoke to me through this.

The second verse which stood out for me was that we’re blessed when we’re persecuted because of righteousness. This is the one that God reminded me of while I was driving. I almost wanted to pull over the car as one of those ‘eureka’ moments. I have read this and preached on this scripture a number of times but was never really reminded of ‘life’.

Matthew 5 – 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

God spoke to me and it was like he was audibly saying ‘Yes, you had a hard time at school and you’ve had a lot of rejection because you didn’t conform, but look what I’ve done for you’. God has basically said to me, because you persevered and because you put up with the rejection for changing your ways or for not joining in on certain behaviour I’ve blessed you.

I will say that I must encourage you to read your Bible whenever you can. I’ve had a number of attacks this week but you know something it’s probably been one of my most peaceful weeks this year and it’s because I’m making time for God.

Verse 11 talks about people falsely saying all kinds of evil against you. I’m not going into much detail but I have experienced it this week. The day after reading/listening to this scripture I received a hurtful message from someone. God prepared me! God really did bless me because I had peace when it happened.

I would like to finish this blog with doing exactly what is said in verse 12. Rejoice and be glad. Let us pray and thank God in every situation because we know that it brings blessings in different areas of our lives. Let us pray for those who are feeling hurt through the persecution they’re experiencing but help them see the blessings which will be rewarded to them in heaven. I thank God for the lessons he has been teaching me and thank him for his never changing love.

In Jesus name
